The false matrix has been implemented by the elites of the past and is still present in our days. Humanity have struggled through the ages to escape this net of mind control and gain the right of freedom of thought and the freedom of speech which were achieved at some level after the French revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. Before the Age of Enlightenment we were under the mind control of the religious dictatorship of Rome which was established in the name of the Christ but the problem existed a long before while the elites of all times were always seeking for ways to mind control and dominate the masses by keeping as away from the divine reality. The false matrix is built within the divine matrix which was originally implemented in our reality by the divine powers known also as the Anunnaki who are also the Elohim mentioned in the Bible, and the problem is mainly that we have forgotten our divine origins and we are lost within the artificial creation of the elites who dictate o...
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Σεπτέμβριος, 2020
The Babalon Avatar
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Babalon (also known as the Scarlet Woman , Great Mother or Mother of Abominations ) is a goddess found in the occult system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley . The spelling of the name as ‘Babalon’ was revealed to Crowley in The Vision and the Voice . Her name and imagery feature prominently in Crowley’s Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni . In her most abstract form, Babalon represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman. In the creed of the Gnostic Mass she is also identified with Mother Earth , in her most fertile sense. [1] Along with her status as an archetype or goddess, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect or avatar ; a living woman who occupied the spiritual office of the ‘Scarlet Woman’. This office, first identified in The Book of the Law is usually described as a counterpart to his own identification as “ To Mega Therion ” (The Great Beast). The...
The Core of the Aeons and the Axle of the Wheel
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In this article I will provide proof about the connection of Gematria with the Zodiac wheel regarding also the new Age of Aquarius which is predicted by the alphanumerical emanations of the tree of life and death which is implanted to our reality by the Anunnaki. Validate Gematria here. The PROTOGONOS = 924 = THE FIRSTBORN for the Hellenic tradition is the hermaphrodite Phanes who sprang from the Cosmic Egg ansd he is the source of all the gods. HE IS THE CREATOR = 924 of everything and for the Hindus, this One who sprang from the Cosmic Egg is BRAHMA the Creator God. For the Gnostics this One is ABRAXAS who is the hermaphrodite of the earliest beginning according to also the “7 Sermons to the dead” of Carl Gustav Jung and he is the inner Sun according to also the teaching of Theosophy. ABRAXAS is also MITHRAS who is equated also with the Greek PHANES and who is identified by the ancient Greek initiates as IAO which was also the original Greek translation of the Tetragrammaton Y...
The Mathematical Truth
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This article presents a mathematical Truth about our reality which not so many people are aware of and everyone should know while we have all the proof needed to suggest that we are not alone, and that our conscious is within a greater divine conscious which provides us the archetypal patterns which have a mathematical structure. What I understand through my research and by what the gods have told me is that our conscious is interrelated and is interacting with a higher conscious which makes possible what I will present in this chapter which is truly amazing. Gematria is a tool given to us by the gods which makes it understandable that there is an external (or internal) interference in the forming of our reality but there are much more with Gematria which seems to be related also with Sacred Geometry, and people should know how our reality is being formed from within through the interference of a higher conscious, and that we are not alone. Gematria is an alphanumeric cod...